National Housing Maintenance Forum [heading]

Chris Cheshire

Kinetics Group Ltd

Chris has worked in social housing for over 20 years. He is the managing director of the Kinetics Group Ltd a social housing maintenance contractor employing over 1100 staff and providing services to a wide range of tenancies and properties across England.

Chris trained initially as a surveyor and then moved into asset and project management as his career progressed. His skills encompass development, regeneration, new initiatives, maintenance management and business development. Chris was Director of Property and Asset Management with a large London RSL before establishing his first consultancy and maintenance companies in 1996.

He has been active as a volunteer in the social housing sector for 12 years as a board member with two previous RSL's. Chris joined the board of Riverhaven FM in 2004 before stepping up to the board of Servite Houses in 2005.