National Housing Maintenance Forum [heading]

Sally Hancox


Sally Hancox has worked in housing for many years, starting as a Housing Assistant in the East End of London and working her way around the country and up the ladder. She has worked in the arena of Tenant Involvement, spent some time as a lecturer, but in the main has specialised in Housing Management.

On Sunderland Council’s stock transfer, Sally became the Director of one of the 5 new Housing Companies, responsible for the management, maintenance and development of 6,000 homes.

Six happy years later an opportunity to move into sustainability arose and Sally jumped at the chance.  She now heads up a small team dedicated to helping all parts of the business to reduce there impact on the environment.

“It’s a fantastic area to be working in, with so much new stuff around and so many opportunities to shape the future.  It’s also a tough gig as I love cars and travelling!

My passion is delivering through people power. Lots of small changes can make a big difference!”