
Wednesday 23 January 2019 | 13:30

P5 A new JV model for repairs and maintenance

In April 2017, Wheatley Group – Scotland’s largest housing and care organisations, and Glasgow CC agreed a ground-breaking repairs and maintenance joint venture: City Building (Glasgow) LLP.  This joint venture sits between traditional client contractor models and in-house provision, offering benefits for those involved including the ability to shape service models to deliver excellent customer service, the service culture and organisational priorities against a longer-term planning horizon.  This session will explore the drivers for creating the joint venture, how it is structured, real world operational benefits and learning from its first year.


Professor Paddy Gray

Professor Emeritus of Housing, University of Ulster

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Session handout

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The centre of excellence for improving property performance

The NHMF is the leading body representing housing providers, committed to championing innovation to deliver excellence in maintenance and asset management