
Tuesday 22 January 2019 | 11:30

1B Post Grenfell tragedy improvements

In the 18 months since the Grenfell Tower disaster, housing organisations have spent considerable time, effort and resources in improving their portfolios in direct response to the tragedy. Large numbers of occupants have been decanted and temporarily housed whilst improvement works have been undertaken to make premises safe to occupy and in some cases premises remain with significant fire hazards.

This workshop will seek to explore:

  1. The framework the Hackitt Review has recommended to ensure competence
  2. Whether the Hackitt Review goes far enough
  3. How organisations should respond to the latest building regulation review
  4. How organisations should procure appropriately qualified and tested services/products in new and existing premises.
  5. How organisations should be interrogating their exiting portfolios for potential fire hazards?
  6. How resident engagement will be critical in ensuring fire safety in the future?


Tom Gilbert

Head of Fire Safety, Lendlease

File downloads

Session handout

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