Stock Condition Surveys and the subsequent information management is high on the regulator’s agenda and RSLs will have to demonstrate they know and understand their housing stock. For a long time these surveys have been conducted, reports written and data essentially archived whilst the day job of managing the stock continues. Rands and M3 have a long held view that the end of the survey is the start of the process of information management and to remain relevant daily nourishment is vital. M3Vision is a web based asset management solution built on this philosophy and as the name suggests provides the user with a very concise visual appreciation of the asset.
This session will show how M3Vision provides a unique approach to visualisation and use of stock condition data and how the asset management team at Johnnie Johnson are using this system in assessing and improving the understanding of their housing stock.
NHMF Group Board | Director, Rand Associates
Senior Assets Operations Manager, Johnnie Johnson HT
Download presentation Johnnie Johnson & M3Vision Case Study
The NHMF is the leading body representing housing providers, committed to championing innovation to deliver excellence in maintenance and asset management