The M3NHF Model Procurement and Contract Documentation Version 8 and Guidance Paper – Rethinking Repairs and Maintenance

During the closing session of the Service Provider Forum meeting on the 18th July 2024, a question was raised by Connaire McGreevey Chief Executive Officer of CTS Projects Ltd, one of Northern Ireland’s leading maintenance contractors as to whether the NHF Form of Contract and the Schedule of Rates documentation would be redrafted to take account of the recently released Guidance Paper - Rethinking Repairs and Maintenance.
A subsequent exchange of emails elicited that Connaire was unaware that Version 8 of the Schedule of Rates and the NHF Form of Contract 2023 and its attendant documentation had been made available to the Social Housing Sector of the UK, and his reference was to Version 7.2 of the Schedule of Rates and The Form of Contract 2016.
Concerns that NHMF sponsored Schedule of Rates documentation including the Form of Contract may be deficient in meeting the requirements of both the Regulator for Social Housing and the recommendations of the Better Social Housing Review and the Guidance on Rethinking Repairs and Maintenance could lead to Social Landlords seeking alternative sources of procurement and contract management procedures, processes and payment mechanisms and either not subscribing to the Schedule of Rates as a new user or if an existing user to licencing the Schedule of Rates with a resultant reduction in the NHMF’s income stream which is based on a percentage of the purchase and licence income.
Both the Better Social Housing Review and the CIH Guidance Paper – Rethinking Repairs and Maintenance relate primary to Housing Associations in England, the NHMF is a body that also represents the interests of Local Authorities, ALMO’s, Housing Associations in Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, Charities with Housing Stock, Private Landlords, and the Married Quarter Estate of the Ministry of Defence.
To continue reading, please download the full report below: