
Monday 23 January 2017

Tuesday 24 January 2017

Plenary 1: Game Changer - leading an organisation through challenging times

The measure of an organisation is often its ability to evolve and stay relevant through times of change. In reality, though, most transformation efforts usually fail at least in part, because someone at the top has underestimated the need to lead change through people (not in spite of them). As the psychologist, Peter Senge, tells us, "People don't resist change. They resist being changed".

In this session, we look at the importance of leadership communication, the concept of ownership, and the steps an organisation might take to maximise its ability to be agile and responsive during challenging times.

Daniel Leatherdale , Business Psychologist and Leadership Consultant, Open Space Learning Ltd
Patrick Stapleton , General Manager, Hilton Birmingham Metropole
Refreshments in exhibition area
Paul Wenham , Independent Board Director and Chairman (Joint Venture), Town & Country HA (Peabody)
Andrew Burke , Deputy Secretary, Adviser to NHMF
Claire Heyes , Chief Executive, Corgi
Alastair Thorpe , Southern Specification Director, Vaillant Group UK Ltd
Darren Baggs , Assistant Director of Housing, Wolverhampton Homes
Mathew Baxter , Managing Director, echelon Consultancy
Carol Burton , Senior Project Manager, Basildon District Council
Peter Long , Housing Property Manager, Basildon District Council
M3NHF Schedule of Rates surgery
David Miller, Director (Rand Associates)
Plenary 2: Harnessing technology for asset management

In this session, Nick will give an update from his workshop session at the NHMF Conference in January 2016 when he outlined the benefits of moving from a high-cost, inefficient and inconvenient reactive service approach to one which uses a combination of sensors and data which is predictive, uses resources efficiently, lowers costs and offers a much better service for the customer.

Nick will share his successes and difficulties on his mission to take control of the way we work to deliver a better service with less effort.

Nick Atkin , Group Chief Executive, Halton HT
Doug Mullen , Senior Associate, Anthony Collins Solicitors LLP
Kate Watkins , Associate, Anthony Collins Solicitors LLP
Steve Martin , Director of Technical, Electrical Contractors' Association (ECA)
Mark Burnett , Head of Repairs & Maintenance, The Riverside Group
Steve Partridge , Director of Housing Consultancy, Savills
Rebecca Gibson , Managing Associate, Trowers & Hamlins
Andrew Tolley , Response & Voids Maintenance Manager, Solon South West
Richard James , Director of Development and Asset Management, Solon
Mark Pickance , Director, Upshot UK Ltd
Refreshments in exhibition area
Plenary 3: Building Communities

18 years after the Good Friday Agreement, Northern Ireland's social housing estates remain deeply segregated with 90% of the Housing Executive's estates being predominantly single identity communities and the continued existence of 88 Peace walls. As well as taking foward a major investment programme in its stock, the NI Housing Executive has been at the forefront of making a difference in its communities by delivering a ground breaking community cohesion strategy which has seen the transformation of a contentious interface and the reimaging of paramilitary murals within our estates.

Jennifer Hawthorne , Head of Income & Communities, Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE)
Pre-dinner drinks
NHMF Conference and awards dinner

Wednesday 25 January 2017

Plenary 4: Contract strategy for a post Brexit world

Brexit brings many unknowns which will influence decisions over letting maintenance and asset management contracts. This session will consider some of the difficult questions, such as whether to use shorter-term or split contracts; which inflation index to use; whether social value is affordable, and if bringing work in-house could improve value for money.

Andrew Millross , Consultant, Anthony Collins Solicitors LLP
Ross Hayes , Consultant & Project Manager, Anthony Collins Solicitors LLP
Refreshments in exhibition area
Jordan Brown , Maintenance Improvement Manager, Your Housing Group
Richard Woolfall , Director of Repairs Improvement and Performance, Your Housing Group
Lee Woods , Operations Director, Pennington Choices
Allison Soroko , Head of Engagement and Ownership, Merthyr Valleys Homes
Adam Fudakowski , Managing Director, Switchee
Peter Rickaby , Principal Research Associate, UK Centre for Moisture in Buildings at UCL
Nic Wedlake , Group Sustainability Manager, Peabody Trust
Simon Jones , Commercial Director for the UK and Ireland., Aereco Ltd
Jane Burns , Solicitor, Anthony Collins Solicitors LLP
Meet the apprentices and talk to them about their experiences of training in social housing maintenance
Plenary 5: Affordable housing: Brexit and beyond

The vote to leave the EU has drawn into sharp focus some long-standing challenges in social housing. Not least, construction skills and materials, care skills, investment models and approaches to procurement. In this session, Lucy Pedrick from the National Housing Federation outlines some of these challenges, explains their relationship with EU exit and calls on the housing sector to be bold in transforming itself for modern times.

Lucy Pedrick , Policy Officer, National Housing Federation
Plenary 6: Beating the skills shortage

Jane Nelson, Executive Director Mears Group will report on the progress of the project to increase the number of tradeswomen in the social housing sector which was well supported by delegates when it was launched at the NHMF Conference 2016. Chris Irons, Hyde Housing, supported by his team members Abbey Fellows and Robert Turner, will describe a case study example of a successful apprenticeship scheme.

Jane Nelson , Chief Operating Officer, Cardo Group
Chris Irons , Gas Production Team Leader, Hyde Property Services
Tim Clark , Senior Associate, Kendall Kingscott
Tony Mitchell , HM Principal Inspector of Health and Safety, Health & Safety Executive
Richard Parry , Safety, Health and Environmental Manager, Ian Williams
Mark Astbury , Partner, Ridge and Partners LLP
Kimon Spyrou , Fire Risk Assessor, Ridge and Partners LLP
Lara Cartledge , Supply Chain Manager, Derby Homes
Cliff Stanley, Asset Management Director, Magenta Living
Peter Rickaby , Principal Research Associate, UK Centre for Moisture in Buildings at UCL
Karl Linder , NHMF Chair & Senior Consultant, Ark Housing Consultancy LLP
Rebecca Hart , Women in Construction Officer
Refreshments in exhibition area
Plenary 7: Transformation, leadership and skills - round up of the conference and prize draw

Peter Hall Jones, an unconventional free thinker and a pioneer of ideas who is in demand around the world, will share his experience of designing inspiring transformations to make lives better. 

He is joined by leaders in the sector. Come to hear something different and to share your views on the opportunities for the leadership and skills development in the housing sector.

The session ends with prize draws and thanks to our delegates.

Alison Inman , President, Chartered Institute of Housing
Peter Hall Jones , Leadership, Behaviour and Culture Change Consultant & Trainer, The Spiral Partnership
Shaun Aldis , Chief Executive, Wolverhampton Homes
Lucy Pedrick , Policy Officer, National Housing Federation
Closing address and prize draw
Conference closes
Our mission statement

The centre of excellence for improving property performance

The NHMF is the leading body representing housing providers, committed to championing innovation to deliver excellence in maintenance and asset management