More lives were lost at Grenfell Tower than in almost any peacetime building fire in Western Europe in the last century. How could this fire have happened? Early in my career, I was close to the enquiry into another tragic fire, that at Summerland in the Isle of Man. The two fires have similarities. I discuss materials in fires, and the problem of confronting low-probability, severe-consequence risks. I ask: in the light of Summerland, why was Grenfell not prevented? I also ask: Is it true that we can un-learn technology?
This plenary will demonstrate the benefit ex service personnel and reservists can bring to the industry and help fill the skills shortage presently being experienced. The presentation will highlight the Royal Engineers who provide trade support to the Army and highlight the present work done by Sappers Network to form a link between service leavers and industry.
There are currently 300,000 people homeless in the UK, more than 120,000 of them are children. This is a national disgrace in 2018 in the 6th richest economy on the planet.
In every city in the UK you will find homeless people if you look hard enough. What can we do individually and collectively to make a difference and help end homelessness for good?
There are people dying on our streets because they have nowhere to go, they are not there by choice – they have just not had the opportunities we have had.
If you care and want to help solve this problem, come and find out how you can.
Canada, similar to many countries, is facing challenges in ensuring the long-term viability of its social housing stock. With the vast majority of stock having been built between the late 1960s to early 80s, the industry is facing a wave of capital repairs and a back log of capital repairs. Innovative approaches are being pursued to create the required volume of new stock to address both ageing infrastructure and increasing affordability gaps. The presentation will highlight some of the approaches being pursued to re cast the timelines and expectations related to the development of affordable housing.
In April 2017, Wheatley Group – Scotland’s largest housing and care organisations, and Glasgow CC agreed a ground-breaking repairs and maintenance joint venture: City Building (Glasgow) LLP. This joint venture sits between traditional client contractor models and in-house provision, offering benefits for those involved including the ability to shape service models to deliver excellent customer service, the service culture and organisational priorities against a longer-term planning horizon. This session will explore the drivers for creating the joint venture, how it is structured, real world operational benefits and learning from its first year.
This panel session will debate the implications of Brexit through the perspectives of an academic expert, a European thinktank, a housing association, and a contractor.
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